prakriti and purusha

In Ayurveda, prakriti is the body constitution.

In Samkhya Prakriti is the natural, phenominal world, and Purusa is the pure consciousness.

In the individual body this can bee seen as well…not only is prakriti the body constitution in Ayurvedic terms, but also it is that matter that is part of the Purusa/Prakriti reality.

In the body Purusa appears autonomous, but is somehow influenced by Prakriti. I think one way to understand this is in terms of the Koshas (speheres of existance). The subtle permeates the gross. The grosser layers of existance are permeated by the more subtle. Purusa can be seen to manifest more on the grosser layers especially the outer two Annamaya, and Pranamaya. Prakriti comes from the subtle layers.

It is possible in the individual to not be aware of the sublte layers (as is the norm…at least with me). This is where people get into trouble; identifying with the mind, body, senses, intellect, intuition. These are all part of Prakriti.  These things are not “you.” These things are non-self.

One intersting thing however, is that the grosser layers can influence the subtler layers. This is seen with the trifecta of  Yoga asana, Pranayama, and Meditation. Asanas deal with the physical layer, but this can affect the energetic and mental layers.  Pranayma can affect both the mental as well as physical layers. Of course, meditation can affect the mental, energetic, and physical layers.  The interesting thing to note is how the gross can affect the subtle.  i.e. the body can affect the energetic and mental layers.

One “ok” analogy which is not totally satisfying but has some merit is:

  • Yoga Asana – body (Annamaya kosha)
  • Pranayama – energy (Pranamaya kosha)
  • Meditation – mind (Manomaya to Anandamaya kosha)
"If you can control the breath or Prana, the mind is also easily
controlled. He who has controlled his mind has also controlled his
breath. If the one is suspended, the other also gets suspended. If
the mind and the Prana are both controlled, you get liberation from
the round of births and deaths and attain Immortality."
- Swami Sivananda

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